Lesson 2 Machine Shop Textbook
1.) to accommodate | to have space enough for something to fit into. e.g., A hole with a half-inch diameter will not accommodate a three-quarter-inch bolt. |
2.) to apply | to put on, to pour on. e.g. while you are counterboring a hole, you should apply plenty of cutting fluid to the hole. |
3.) author | someone who writes a book or other serious written material. e.g., Steve Krar and Bill Oswald are the authors of the book. |
4.) conical | shaped like a cone. e.g., The shape of the top of the hole when you countersink it, is conical. |
5.) contents | a section at the beginning of a book which lists what the book contains. e.g., I looked at the contents section to find something about lathes. Related word: table of contents–same as contents, a list of what’s in a book. |
6.) copy | a single book or magazine or newspaper. e.g., Will you loan me your copy of this morning’s newspaper? |
7.) copyright | a legal protection for authors so that their work can not be copied without permission. e.g., A copyright for that book was given in 1985. |
8.) to edit | to change something already written by adding or subtracting words or by rewriting some parts. e.g. When the authors edited their book, they added a new section on lathes. Related Word: edition–a book that comes out in a changed form, i.e., after it has been edited. |
9.) flat-head machine screw | ![]() a screw which uses a nut to fasten parts together. E.g A flat-head machine screw has a head whose shape is different from a round-head machine screw. |
10.) flush | ![]() to have a part at the same level as the surrounding parts. e.g., When you put a screw head into a countersunk hole, it should be flush with the surface of the part. |
11.) publisher | the company that buys writing, prints it, and sells it. e.g., The McGraw-Hill Company is a publisher of many books used in schools. Related word: to publish–to print a newspaper, magazine, or book for sale. |
12.) slip fit | the fit of two mating parts, in which one slides easily into the other. e.g., The pilot on the counterbore should make a slip fit with the previously drilled hole. |
13.) to suit | to be the right size or to fit easily into a place. e.g., That hole you’ve drilled is suited for this three-quarter-inch bolt. |
14.) technology | the use of scientific knowledge to make useful products. e.g. Machine shop technology turns out thousands of useful parts that make life better. |
15.) textbook | a book, used in a classroom, which contains knowledge needed in a particular field. e.g., The Shop class uses a textbook with good information and pictures about your work. |
Fill in the Blanks
Many college classes require that students buy and read a textbook. A textbook gives important information that you must learn as part of a class. The machine shop technology class requires that you buy a textbook; it is available at the Bookstore.
The textbook information is as follows:
Technology of Machine Tools (Eighth Edition)
By Krar, Grill, Smid, and Gerritsen
McGraw Hill Companies
ISBN10: 126008793X
ISBN13: 9781260087932
Your textbook is a treasure of knowledge. image of a treasure chest
Conversation Practice:
Situation: The Machine Shop teacher is talking with Ahmad, a new student who has come from the VESL class.
Teacher: Good morning, Ahmad! How are you today?
Ahmad: I’m fine, teacher. I’m glad to meet you.
Teacher: I’m happy to meet you too. I see you have your heavy shoes on and that you brought a pair of safety glasses. Oh, and I see you have a copy of the textbook.
Ahmad: Yes. I’ve been looking through it and reading it this summer, waiting for the classes to start.
Teacher: Well, since you’ve already had a chance to look at it, do you have any questions?
Ahmad: I think it’s a good book–I’ve learned a lot–and the pictures help me to understand what the text is saying. Yesterday I was looking at pages 285 and 286 on countersinking and counterboring. I wonder if you could show me some of those tools?
Teacher: Yes. Go over to the tool crib, and ask the student attendant for a set of both.
Ahmad: Do you mean a set of countersinks and counterbores?
Teacher: Yes, a set of each.
Ahmad: I’m very happy today, because I’ve been reading about these things and looking at pictures for several months. Now I get to work with the real things!
Teacher: Good! Go get those tools, and we’ll practice on this piece of scrap metal. Then we’ll introduce you to some safety ideas. Do you know how you can find ideas about safety in your textbook?
Ahmad: I’ve been looking in the “Contents” when I want to find where a topic is located in the book.