Book Title: Critical Thinking, Second Edition
Subtitle: MHCC - WR122
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Book Description: This text explores the nature and structures of academic arguments through the analysis and implementation of critical and creative thinking techniques. Through a combination of the latest research in hemispheric science, neuropsychology, and brain development, along with the long-established rhetorical algorithms for analyzing the dynamic structure of arguments, this text attempts to develop a clearer and more robust model for the construction and deconstruction of various forms of argument. A variety of "texts" are used to help students develop rhetorical analysis skills, critical thinking tools, creative problem solving abilities, and a responsive, diverse, and integrative apparatus for establishing the veracity of truth claims in both academic and cultural contexts.
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This book is a cloned version of Critical Thinking by Andrew Gurevich, published using Pressbooks by MHCC Library Press under a CC BY (Attribution) license. It may differ from the original.
Critical Thinking, Second Edition Copyright © 2023 by Andrew Gurevich is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Language learning: writing skills