
Introduction to Turning Machines aka CNC Lathes


After completing this unit, you should be able to:

  • Identify and describe parameters on CNC turning center (lathe)
    • X and Z axes
    • Point of origin
    • Common quadrant
    • Feedrate differences
    • U and W words
    • X value
    • Constant Surface Speed application

CNC Lathes

For lathe programming, a lot of the codes and the variables are the same.  For example,  absolute and incremental positioning are the same on the mill and lathe.

However; there are many differences.

CNC Lathe Code Details that are different than mill codes.

Print of X and Y axes on a lathe
(Image source: HAAS)
X and Y axes on a lathe



Cutting path for a lathe has the standard two axes: X and Z.

X is up and down

Z axis is left to right





Point of Origin:  Zero is center of part.


Most programing on the mill occurs in Quadrant IV.

On the lathe,  Quadrants I and II are common.

Feedrate difference is a key issue:

Feedrates on mill = IPM, e.g. 8, 32, 54

Feedrates on lathe = IPR

On the manual engine lathe, F values are small because its inch per revolution.

On the CNC, Lathe F values should not be in whole numbers.  e.g. .005, .006, .007


Z movement command relates to W

Review G90 and G91

Positioning in CNC Code

  • G90, Z moves in cardinal numbers on line
  • G91, Z moves based on previous position

On the FEMCO lathe, codes U and W to make adjustments. U is for X and W is for Z.  There is an ability to use these codes. Sometimes, G90 is used.



A radial cut means the cut is only on side of the round part.

The total reduction is in the diameter.

X values on the lathe are different, too.

Lathe doesn’t program the x value intuitively.
X values are now diameter values.  It’s a 2:1 ratio.

X = diameter value (not radius)

Count diameter values for features???


Another big change is with lathe headers.

Two types of lathe headers to choose with or without Constant Surface Speed – CSS.
(Details are in the next section of the book.)

Speaking of the header, just a heads up. There is no H code, no H word, on the lathe.  The tool number captures the tool length offset or tool length compensation by using the offset number in the T code.

For example, T0101  Tool #1, Tool Offset #1
T0202, Tool #2, Offset #2.
And, so on.


X1, Z0

X1.5, z-.25

1.5, Z-.25

1..5 Z-3.0

X1.8, Z -3.0

X2, Z -3.1


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