G90 Absolute Coordinates

Code Practice

This chapter supports Lesson 3 pgs 1-7


After completing this unit, you should be able to:

  • identify CNC codes for turning coolant on and off


Point to Point Positioning of CNC Machines

The CNC programmer reads the blueprint. The programmer changes the blueprint information into terms of the X Y Z Coordinate System. By using the XY Z Coordinate System, they position the tool over the part at the exact points for the cutting operations.

Look at the blueprint. It calls for drilling four holes in the work piece. The programmer decides on a place to start from. That place is called the origin of Zero point. The coordinates of the origin are (0, 0, 0). The tool will start from this point. It will perform all machine operations on the part. Then, it will return to the origin point. The symbol for the origin point is off the part and in line with edge B.


The tool is going to drill four holes in the part, starting with hole B and then going to holes C, D, and E. Then the tool will return to the point of origin.

Fill in the blank questions

Practice Absolute Coordinates

Adapted from “Individual Learning Systems.” (circa 1994). Oregon Department of Education.


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