
G76 Threading Cycle


After completing this unit, you should be able to:

  • Identify and describe G76 Threading Cycle
  • Calculate for K word used in G76
  • Calculate for D word used in G76
  • Selection number of passes for N word in G76

G76 Threading Cycle

Read this webpage from HAAS about G76 Threading Cycle, Multiple Pass (Group 00).

G76 is the automatic cycle for threading. Remember, the name of these automatic cycles in CNC codes is Canned Cycles.

Variable List:

X = minor diameter, d

Capital D minus little d divided by 2
Formula for K in G76

Z = length of thread, where D stops

K = radial thread height =  (D – d)  divided by 2. [K needs a radial value. The difference of diameters is split into two to get the radius.]

Remember:   The cut on the part will be a diametrical cut.


K over the square of N
Formula for D in G76


D = Depth of Cut.  K is divided by the square root of N; where N is the Number of passes.

The deeper the cut, the greater the chip load on the cutting tool.

provide of thread indicating increase in cut
Notice the differences in the minimum cuts

The first cut is shorter and deeper than the final cut.
The final cut is longer and not as deep as the first cut.



The increase in chip load causes Build Up Edge (BUE) on the cutting surface.

Image of build up edge
Source: https://blog.enerpac.com/metal-machining-insight-avoiding-built-up-edge/


How do we determine the N–number of passes–for our calculations?


Look at the thread call out. Identify whether the thread is Coarse or Fine.

  • Unified National Coarse (UNC)
  • Unified National Fine (UNF)

As an introduction, choose from the following for N.

K over the square of N

  • Use 10, 12, or 15 passes for coarse threads
  • Use 4 or 5 passes on fine threads


one over T.P.I.

F = Pitch

Threading is the last step before we part workpiece off.



Calculation Steps:

  1. Identify the thread call out.
  2. Get a Machinery’s Handbook and find the threads section.
  3. Identify the major and minor diameters on the chart.
  4. Identify X
  5. Identify Z
  6. Calculate the K.
  7. Decide on Number of passes based on coarse or fine threads.
  8. Calculate the D (DOC).
  9. Calculate the F.
Cover of 30th edition of Machinery's Handbook
Cover of MHB

For example:

Step 1:  1 – 8 UNC 2A, 1″ long

Steps 2 & 3: major diameter is .9986.  The minor diameter is .8492.

Step 4: X = .8492 (minor diameter)

Step 5: Z = 1.000 (length of thread]

Step 6:  K = .9986 – .8492 = .1488. Divide by 2 = .0744

Step 7: This thread is coarse. Let’s choose 10 passes for N.

Step 8: D = .0235

Step 9: F = 1/8 = .125

X = .8492
Z = 1
K = .0744
D = .0235
F = .125

G76 Calculation

Thread Call out: 7/8 – 9 UNC 2A, 1″ long

Single line threading

On printout, the only thing given to you is thread callout


Look up minor dia

Radial thread height D-d/2

D  passes depends on hardneess of material and coarse or fine of thread


pic ¾-10 for thread callout

remember 2A is standard


D = .7482 -.7353

Mino: .6255

.005 less than major D

D = .745  Talk about this

It could be average . . . talk about range of Major D

Less amount of thread, rpm slower (under .1000)

Higher thread count, 32, 64, 80  rpm S1500


 Example program:


T0303 (60 deg thread)

G97 (not max rpm not use CSS) S700 M05

G54 G00 X

Less amount of thread, rpm slower (under .1000)

Higher thread count, 32, 64, 80  rpm S1500


X2.2, Z1.0 M08


Infeed, give cutter a start, need to start off part

Need to know major D bring cutter .100 off part  X2 for dia of part


Z.2 (give it a little extra space to feed in before it starts to move G76 cycle)

G76 X .6255   Z .950  K .0598 D  .0173 F  .100

For length Z, keep tool off the shoulder. Subtract .050  Length 1” – .050 for Z above

K = math

This is a big thread

Coarse passes,   on the final I will give you the number of passes . . .

e.g. 12 passes

D = practice calculator use

Fairly big DOC.

F picth   1/20 = .100


G00 Z1.0 M09

G28 M05








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