
G02, G03


After completing this unit, you should be able to:

  • Identify and describe G02 and G03 on a CNC turning center
  • Identify and describe I and K-Method for arcs on a CNC turning center
  • Identify and describe U and W with G02/G03 blocks

G02, G03

Variables List:

G02 = Circular Interpolation CW
G03 = Circular Interpolation CW
F = uses IPR calculation; .00x
I = Distance to center along X axis; uses radial measurement (Do not double!)
K = Distance to center along Z axis
U = Incremental motion for X axis
W = Incremental motion for Z axis
X = X axis motion in absolute coordinates; uses diametric measurement.
Z = Y axis motion in absolute coordinates

G02 and G03 codes are used to specify a circular motion (CW or CCW) of the linear axes (Circular motion is possible in the X and Z axes).
The X and Z values are used to specify the end point of the motion and can use either absolute (X and Z) or incremental motion (U and W). X, Z are controlled with rapid movement G 01.

Codes for cutting an ARC on a Lathe

There are two methods to write for Arcs on the lathe.

Read this short piece from HAAS on G02 CW / G03 CCW Circular Interpolation Motion.


When R-method is used, the code uses the direction, end point, and radius.  The machine will make the cut. It will not stop for a mistake. If there is conflicting data will try to make the cut.

We do not use the R-method often.

I and K-Method

When the I and K-Method is used, the CNC machine with an error message. The CNC prevents a mistake in the cut. The I and K-method is sfaet to make Arcs.

I and K are the same as rise over run used in mathematics.

In this class, we are practicing the use of I or K to specify the distance from the starting point to the center of the arc.


Think about features on both sides of the axis

X0, Z 1.75

X2, Z -.125

Z -.125

X3.5, Z-1.875 FROM PRINT

X3.75, Z-2

X3.75, Z2.575 PT 7

X3.35  SAME

X3.35 Z02.825

X3.75 -2.825

X3.75 Z-3575

X5  Z????

G02/G03, what side of the axis is being cut on

Same questions as we used in the last class for making arcs on a CNC mill.

Remember Arc questions
  1. What direction is the arc?
  2. Where’s the end point?
  3. What’s the distance of start point to center of rotation?


  1. CW or CCW.
  2. Use I, K incremental values
  3.  Do NOT DOUBLE the I.  (I uses radial values.)





Practice Packet:


Circular Interpolation Exercise, pg 38

What directions is is: CW = G02

Where is end point?

What is distance from start of arc to center of rotation?

In-class exercises



HAAS worksheet pg 39, 2nd example

First time with no 90 degree turn

.5422 – .293 – .293 = x5.836

N## G03 X 5.422, z-2.5,

Third question: what axis is this in?

In this example, both x, z  travel, so I, K need values

Rise over run, negative x


Pg 40

Practice I, K

Two methods to write for ARCs

We use I and K because

If I make a mistake, the machine will not do the cut

If I use the R-method,

Direction, end point, and Radius

The machine will make the cut. It won’t stop for mistake (conflicting data)


Worksheet, homework

IMTL 153 print 152-2

Milling review: Mill boss on top (boss?)

Tool list

T1 1” carb EM (Boss only) (don’t do 3”)  Off part

T2 #5 Center Drill CD

T3 .5 DR    (remember deep hole)  Part is 6 dia deep

Can’t use G81???


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